What have I done?

Silly Little Walks

Silly Little Walks

I feel like I need to add a small content warning to this post. I'll be discussing my health and especially my weight in this post. I have no judgements for other people and I am only doing what I'm doing for myself.

Pixel art animation of a blob fox with a signforbidden expression.

For a month now, I've been going on a walk every day. This is some of the most I've "exercised" in a good number of years. How did this help me?

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Blogging again

Blogging again

Let's try writing again!

I used to write a lot, on paper, in documents and on the internet. However, due to trans reasons, most of those posts are deleted or lost to the aether. The entire reason I started up this new blog page is because there's a particular post that I wanted to revive, and which I now believe is lost to time. Sigh.

Either way, I can't let all this effort go to waste, so here's a little explanation of why I'm writing, what I plan on writing, and what tools I'm using to facilitate the putting of words from my head into the bits on your screen.

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Productivity, Podcasts, and Survivorship Bias

Pixel art animation of a blob fox with a box expression.

This post is one from my vault of old posts. It does not reflect who I am now, and I'll interject with Foxtrot with some thoughts on it as a retrospective. The quality of the main post is not up to my current standards, although I hope my interjections will help to keep you interested!

Productivity, Podcasts, and Survivorship Bias

These past 12 months I’ve been thinking a lot about productivity, and the systems other people use.

It started a year ago to the day I’m writing this. On June 1st 2016 I started a new job. My travel time tripled from 20 minutes to 60. To pass the time, I decided to start listening to podcasts, or rather, a single podcast, Hello Internet.

What I didn’t realise, is how much that podcast ended up changing my life.

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Velocity Glyph - 5 years and A Ludum Dare 37 post mortem

Pixel art animation of a blob fox with a box expression.

This post is one from my vault of old posts. It does not reflect who I am now, and I'll interject with Foxtrot with some thoughts on it as a retrospective. The quality of the main post is not up to my current standards, although I hope my interjections will help to keep you interested!

Velocity Glyph - 5 years and A Ludum Dare 37 post mortem

This weekend (and Monday), I participated in Ludum Dare 37.

5 years ago, I also participated in Ludum Dare, for the first time. A lot has changed in those 5 years, as it would. 5 years is a long time. I went from making games as a hobby, to actually managing a games studio, as well as working on them as a hobby. I get paid every day to make games and that’s incredible. For many people, it’s a dream. It was damn hard work getting here, and it’s even more difficult now than ever, of course I’m better prepared for that now. I’m happy with where I am, I’m lucky to be here, and I’m really excited for what the next 5 years brings.

This time, I created an arcade racer, kinda Wipeout/Re-Volt inspired, a miniature hover racing game. I’m pretty impressed with the result.

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